Elon Musk Wants ETH

Elon Musk Wants ETH

Elon Musk tweeted out this Tuesday that he wants some ETH. After thanking Twitter for removing around 500 bots, Musk replied to someone who said:

“Any chance you can tell us anything about BFR… im willing to pay 200 ETH at this point.” Musk’s reply was: “At this point, I want ETH even if it is a scam.”

So the mad man still doesn’t know what eth is. Last month he said this: “I want to know who is running the Etherium scambots! Mad skillz… ”

We were triggered a bit, so we replied with this: “It’s called Ethereum Elon! And why don’t you ask Dorsey, he should know.”

Jack Dorsey being Twitters CEO. So this latest tweet about ETH by Musk is not any indication that funding is secured ™ or that he has any plans to take Etherium (c) private, but it is an indication that Musk, and probably the entire world, is learning about ethereum thanks to scam bots.

Musk in particular, but almost anyone of name somehow related to the crypto zeitgeist, has for months now faced bot scam whereby they copy the picture, name, and sometime even the blue ticker, of a person with many followers to pretend they are them.

Then, they follow with some fairly clever statements of why they plan to give away some eth if you send them eth first.

The sophisticated operation employs, in addition, fake bots that tweet or re-tweet the scammers, with other fake bots then pretending it all works. So some were fooled, but Twitter doesn’t appear to care.

Recently they announced some might see less followers due to fake accounts clean-ups, but twitter might be worried that their stock shares may fall off the cliff if in the next earning calls they announce user numbers are way down.

So they announce they removed 500 accounts, probably to look like they’re doing something. The amount of fake accounts however might be as high as 30% of all users or more, a number we’ve taken completely out of thin air.

As reee inducing as these scamming spam bots are, there might be a silver lining because Musk now knows how to spell ethereum.

He clearly however hasn’t had time to look at what exactly eth is. In between funding secured and meh we’ll keep it public anyway as well as sending Teslas to space while arguing with journalists who for some reason are trying to make everything as being about feminism, poor kid obviously doesn’t have time for anything.

Not least because he’d probably need quite some time to get his head around what eth is. Programmable money, Turing complete smart contracts, world computer, a bank account for bots and machines, yes including scamming bots, a platform, like Apple store, where each app (dapp) is a platform itself, and so on.

He’d need at least a week to understand it, but maybe he’ll find the time. Maybe he’ll even figure out how to incorporate all that eth stuff into Tesla and get those car sales going up.

Copyrights Trustnodes.com


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