Blockchain Interviews - Lyn Ulbricht,

Today on Blockchain interviews, I speak with Lyn Ulbricht about Ross Ulbricht and the Silk Road case seeing precedent on net neutrality and freedom of speech.

This case could actually set a precedent for the future of digital freedom. Why should people who haven’t heard of Ross pay attention to the outcome of this case and how could it affect everyday peoples privacy?
The Silk road website was on the dark web rooted in free market principles, and the ideology behind it intersects a couple different areas of law. How important was this fact to the people in law making this decision?
Last summer around June of 2018 the Supreme court denied Ross’s appeal. Can you walk me through your thought process after this happened and what were the immediate next steps?
What does your roadmap look like for 2019? I know you are speaking at the North American Bitcoin Miami conference. What else do you have planned?

Where can people that see this injustice put their best efforts to help?
Are you in need of more help from volunteers to help with any part of the cause? I know there are many people in many industries who would love to support you but how exactly can they help.

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