[ANN] RDAG POW blockchain online

[ANN] RDAG POW blockchain online

RDAG  Overview
RDAG is an innovative blockchain project leveraging virtual blocks and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technology to address the "impossible trinity" (decentralization, security, and high throughput) challenges faced by traditional blockchain technology. RDAG is particularly suitable for blockchain-based online games (GameFi), enabling low-latency game interactions through virtual blocks. It aims to become the first blockchain natively supporting GameFi.
    Project Name: RDAGLevel: Tier-1 Public BlockchainMainnet Coin: RDAG CoinTotal Supply: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 RDAGBlock Time: 1 minuteVirtual Block Time: 100 blocks per second Halving Time: 1 yearInitial Block Reward: 17,791,998,527,883 RDAG

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