Ethereum Classic Labs Program Director believes the ETC space is competitive

Ethereum Classic Labs Program Director believes the ETC space is competitive

Recently, Elizabeth Kukka, the Program Director at ETC Labs spoke about the incubator program that they intend to launch for startups. She also touched upon the topic regarding the future growth and presented her thoughts on the Ethereum Classic [ETC] blockchain.

The Director believes that the ETC space is very competitive with good ideas and startups that have “immense potential.” Elizabeth stated that the ETC Lab pilot program was launched on 1st October, 2018. The pilot program was launched for six startups.

The company’s goal is to put the incubator model to work and get feedback from the six startups before the program goes live. Elizabeth also revealed that ETC’s incubator program will go live in the first quarter of 2019. She further stated:

“There’s been a lot of interest and inquiries about the program — we have received around 120 applications so far!”

ETC Lab intends to consider all the projects that build on the Ethereum Classic blockchain. Moreover, she stated that they are trying to convince projects that are not based on the Ethereum Classic blockchain yet to consider the incubator program.

On being asked if she came across interesting ideas and concepts in the cryptocurrency space during the course of her work, Elizabeth said that there were several and that some projects stood out for their “uniqueness” and had a potential to grow.

Elizabeth exemplified by stating that a startup they came across was involved in organizing and supporting scientific research of the blockchain technology. She also discussed the reason behind choosing Ethereum Classic for the incubator program. She said:

“Ethereum Classic because there is a lot of security on the main layer, and it doesn’t really matter what sidechains are used in conjunction to this.”

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