Cardano [ADA]’s Co-Founder apprises the cryptocurrency community of codebase and testnet progress

Cardano [ADA]’s Co-Founder apprises the cryptocurrency community of codebase and testnet progress

On 16th September, Charles Hoskinson, the Founder of IOHK, a cryptocurrency and distributed systems research and development organization put up a video update on his Twitter handle. Hoskinson summarized the progress and developments that Cardano has made in terms of the platform’s codebase.

Hoskinson confirmed that there are two code bases that Cardano is actively working on apart from Cardano-SL. Both of these codebases are completely developed by IOHK, its engineering teams and its processes, he added.

The Prometheus codebase, which was written from the ground up uses modern web technologies and works perfectly in the Chrome browser, according to Hoskinson. Prometheus is written in Rust and it compiles the web assembly. The codebase has been tested on cell phones and Hoskinson confirmed that people are already porting it to run on the Android and iOS clients. Hoskinson stated:

“We built this code in record time. Like, the planning only took a month or two and the actual deployment of it happened in less than six months. It’s been security audited and on the Rust side I believe we have less than 12000 lines of code.”

He further added that the code is rapidly evolving with Cardano’s current codebase. The IOHK team has brought in the sequential index HD wallets and two-minute wallet restores with the way Icarus was modeled.

In terms of Cardano-CL, Hoskinson said that IOHK has used the Mantis Codebase which has about fifteen thousand lines of code. The team has done significant test coverage on the codebase and it has been security audited as well. The Cardano-CL is used in production with Ethereum Classic which according to him is a phenomenal codebase. Hoskinson stated:

“With only a small team of engineers amounting to less than 5, we were able to modularize it to make consensus in the virtual machine pluggable.”

Hoskinson further added that the foundation has launched two testnets, the KEVM testnet, and the IELE testnet. He confirmed that the Testnets are presently operational and that the team has been able to rapidly re-factor them to improve the current command line interface.

Furthermore, the team has been able to re-factor the Testnets to fix some bugs. According to Hoskinson, Runtime Verification seems to be quite happy as a testing service and therefore, will continue to innovate with IELE.  He stated:

“Frankly, you could launch a cryptocurrency off of thIS codebase and it could be as good as Ethereum. It’s quite competitive and we stand by it. We’re very proud of it. It costs very little money to maintain and the technical debt is low. I’m proud of our engineers and of what our company does.

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