10.5 Million Bitcoin Have Not Moved in One Year

10.5 Million Bitcoin Have Not Moved in One Year

Some 60% of all bitcoins have not moved in one year with ₿10.5 million being held by bitcoiners for the past 12 months.

That means around ₿7 million has been circulating, minus perhaps the amount of new coins mined over a year which stands at ₿657,000.

The above chart shows some 2.4 million bitcoin has not circulated since January 2012. So these can perhaps be considered as the lower end of the estimated amount of lost bitcoins.

About ₿5 million has not circulated in the past three years, with this being the higher end of lost bitcoin estimates.

Both suggest bitcoin is significantly more scarce than 21 million as supply slowly gradually decreases due to dust bitcoin amounts or lost private keys.

As can be seen above, 1 million bitcoin moved in the past 24 hours, translating to circa $7 billion.

That’s comparable to MasterCard levels, with bitcoin recently hitting a high of $17 billion transferred on-chain.

Other cryptos are quite far behind, with bitcoin remaining the biggest by a significant percentage.

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