Ohio is the BEST State for Cryptocurrency & Here's Why - Ohio Leads In Blockchain

The state of Ohio in the USA is leading in blockchain, making it the best state for cryptocurrency & this video will show you why!
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Ohio is the first state to allow taxes to be paid in Bitcoin - http://bit.ly/2QxnOOY
Official Ohio Cryptocurrency Tax Payments Portal - http://bit.ly/2EkZSXz
BitPay processes Crypto Tax Payments - http://bit.ly/2S1qXTO
Coinbase Consumer crypto payment processor - http://bit.ly/2GhQuqq
Arizona cryptocurrency tax bills failed - http://bit.ly/2Le0Ru6
Lack of understanding cancels Georgia BTC tax bill - http://bit.ly/2PzeQv3
Ohio is embracing cryptocurrency becoming the most friendly USA state for cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses - http://bit.ly/2BmzkCa
Ohio lawmakers and academics plan to make Ohio cryptocurrency and blockchain HUB of USA - http://bit.ly/2UGBzcy
Ohio VC firms looking to invest 100 million into cryptocurrency and blockchain projects in Ohio - http://bit.ly/2zZGnB1
Blockland conference leads the push to make Ohio a blockchain and cryptocurrency friendly state / HUB - http://bit.ly/2QtiXOF

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VoskCoin Official Donation Addresses
BTC - 12PsgKuhcJrEqJbD3oMN7rcEcuyqyqRznL
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ZEC - t1ZoVF5t75NahSAfuwpcyHA8uzkPyocXpJZ

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Thumbnail sourced here and used with CC 3.0 - http://bit.ly/2RZI0FN

#Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Blockchain #Ohio #VoskCoin

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