AMD Navi GPUs For Mining? Coinbase adds ZEC | Vertcoin 51% attack | ETCDev out of funds

AMD Navi GPUs 1080/2070 performance for $250 possibly, Coinbase adding ZEC and TM BUIDL? Vertcoin 51% attack and ETCDev shuts down due to no funds + more!
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wccftech which is one of the leading sources for graphics card information, leaks, and rumors has posted about the new AMD Navi graphics cards on the horizon which will compete with Nvidia GPUs costing more than twice the price -

Coinbase is adding ZEC to buy and sell on their cryptocurrency exchange platform along with seeking to trademark the phrase BUIDL, Coinbase doing Coinbase things -

Vertcoin VTC is the latest victim of 51% attacks as unfortunately proof-of-work cryptocurrencies are further degraded -

ETCDev shuts down due to lack of funding, another victim of this crypto bear market, IOHK will continue passively developing ETC -

Mining Rig Parts IN STOCK on Amazon -

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BTC - 12PsgKuhcJrEqJbD3oMN7rcEcuyqyqRznL
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#Cryptocurrency #Coinbase #VoskCoin #Vertcoin #ZEC

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