$200,000 BEAM Coin Mined Daily?! What is Beam Coin & MimbleWimble Privacy Protocol?

$200,000 dollars of BEAM a new privacy crypto coin using the MimbleWimble protocol is being mined DAILY?! What is Beam Coin, what is MimbleWimble, and how exactly is $200,000 being produced? Let's find out! Subscribe to VoskCoin - http://voskco.in/Sub

VoskCoin Blog on Beam Emission Rate! http://voskco.in/BeamBlock

I'm mining Beam with these GPUs - http://geni.us/7NA1XB

Beam and Grin have had a huge impact since both of them launched in January 2019 & whether you're talking about Beam coin or GrinCoin a huge focus is always on the MimbleWimble privacy protocol. MimbleWimble is certainly the driving force behind the valuation of BEAM and GRIN. Today's video will dive into just what exactly is MimbleWimble when it comes to cryptocurrency and not Harry Potter, What is this Beam privacy coin, and how is it producing almost a quarter of a million dollars... daily?!

Interesting links for Beam/Mimblewimble/Grin
Beam emission rate/block rewards - http://voskco.in/BeamBlock
Beam treasury earns 20% of BEAM - http://voskco.in/BeamT
Mimblewimble explained - http://voskco.in/MimW
Beam blockchain stopped explained - http://voskco.in/RIPbeam
Beam coinmarketcap & price - http://voskco.in/BeamCMC
Beam paid ambassador program - http://voskco.in/BeamAmb
Grin Coin developer funded - http://voskco.in/GrinDevF
Official Beam roadmap w/ PoW - http://voskco.in/BeamRM
Why BEAM didn't join GRIN - http://voskco.in/BeamNoG
Official BEAM wallet downloads - http://voskco.in/BeamDLs

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VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.

Harry Potter video clip footage used w/ copyright fair use / Creative Commons 3.0 - http://voskco.in/0sMa

#BeamCoin #MimbleWimble #VoskCoin #GrinCoin #BlockRewards

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